Cooperative Home Care Associates (CHCA)

Cooperative Home Care Associates (CHCA)


Not Just Small Businesses

One common misconception is that worker cooperatives cannot scale. CHCA, a Bronx-based agency, is an example of a co-op with over 2,050 employees, nearly all Latinx and African-American women, and more than half are worker-owners.

CHCA was founded in 1985 to give home care workers, who are caught in the cycle of race-to-the-bottom in the care sectors, a chance to maximize, wages and benefits, have access to training and build ownership equity. In addition, 90% of the worker-owners are women of color. Workers earn about twice the market rate and enjoy guaranteed hours. This makes for a turnover rate that is just a third of the rest of the industry’s caregiver turnover rate of 66.7% (2017).

The buy-in is $1000 for one share and one share equals one vote. After an initial payment of $50 the co-op lends the remaining $950 for the rest of the buy-in share. This loan can be paid off over 5 years making sure that it is not cost-prohibitive for anyone to join.

Together with PHI, a nonprofit founded by CHCA in 1992, CHCA offers free training for over 600 low-income and unemployed women annually and serves as a significant driver of employment in the Bronx.

To ensure access to benefits and a grievance process CHCA joined the Service Employees International Union (SEU) Local 1199 in 2003. Together CHCA and SEIU have put pressure on the care industry as a whole in NYC, raising wages and training standards across the board.

CHCA Website

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